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Leverage the power of AI to drive revenue and engagement

With Tailor Campaigns, let the power of AI make the most of your customer data to create engaging and goal-driven campaigns to maximize revenue.
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Unlock the ability to send multi-step, multi-channel campaigns in a single setup

Achieve all your SMS and Email campaign goals within a single setup. with Multi-Message Campaigns, ensuring your customers always get the right message.
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Curate the ultimate subscription journey

Seamlessly create custom sequences for your customers to ensure your customers’ subscription journey is tailored with the right products, at the right time.
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Increase engagement with a less-is-more approach

Now you’re able to Exclude Unengaged Audiences automatically in your campaign creation process.
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Reduce potential subscription churn

With our Subscriptions Cohort Analysis, we enable you to better understand meaningful trends in subscriptions to level up your program.
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Optimize at every stage of your communication strategy

With the Shopper Journey, get a birds-eye view of the customer journey in one place- and how you’re engaging across each key stage.
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