Last updated on October 20, 2023

Image Credit: Yotpo Studio

69% of shoppers read customer reviews posted on social

Facebook and Twitter are conversational social platforms. People use these platforms to connect with their friends, colleagues, and networks, which is why brands need to understand how to smartly be part of the conversation without interrupting it.

Sharing your customers’ reviews and photos on social media increases authenticity and trust and is much more effective than a branded message. Plus, shoppers are searching for this info. 69% of consumers say that consumer reviews are the most important product info for researching products on social.

Today’s consumers have learned to tune out brands’ marketing efforts. So, instead of trying to craft a clever post to stand out, join in on the conversations customers are already having with one another.

Real Example
Phone case company Caseology publishes their best reviews on social, drawing engagement from customers and brand fans.