Last updated on December 19, 2023

Image Credit: Yotpo Studio

Return shoppers are 2x more likely to recommend your store

Responding to both positive and negative reviews shows your customers that you value their feedback and that you are listening to what they have to say. And when customers know you care, they are much more likely to stay loyal to your brand.


They’re much more likely to shop with you again when they know you listened to their feedback, which means more sales in the long run.

Repeat customers are 9x more likely to convert than first-time visitors. Plus, responding to reviews:

  • Adds fresh content to your site, which keeps it active for shoppers and increases the SEO value of your site
  • Shows that your business is run by real people who care
  • Lets your customers know that you appreciate their feedback

Another benefit of retaining the customers that love you? They’re 2x more likely to recommend your store to a friend than shoppers that are visiting for the first time.

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Real Example
SkateXS, which sells skateboards for children, comments on all their reviews. The comments are attentive, thoughtful, and show customers how important their satisfaction is to the company.