Recover Browse Abandoned Sessions With SMS | Use Cases | Yotpo

Recover Browse Abandoned Sessions With SMS

Remind shoppers about their abandoned browse sessions.

MMS message promoting skincare
Yotpo Products
Product logo / Logo / SMS
Implementation effort
Low High
  • Drive sales
  • Increase returning visitors
Which Brand Should Use it?

Brands wanting to lower abandonment rates and reclaim lost sales through SMS.

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Recapture Lost Sessions With SMS

Today, 85% of shoppers leave an eCommerce store without adding anything to their carts. Engage customers with a personalized SMS flow that’s triggered once they leave your site.

By reminding customers about the last product they were looking at, brands can increase the number of shoppers who return to make a purchase.

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Spaceship art

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How to get started?

Getting started with Yotpo is easy. Follow the steps below to get started or request a demo for more information.