Give Personalized Product Recommendations With SMS | Use Cases | Yotpo

Give Personalized Product Recommendations With SMS

Engage customers by using SMS to send product recommendations that are tailored to their interests.

SMS personalized product recommendation flow mockup
Yotpo Products
Product logo / Logo / SMS
Implementation effort
Low High
  • Drive sales
  • Increase customer engagement
  • Increase CLTV
Which Brand Should Use it?

Brands looking to increase customer lifetime value by recommending products based on previous purchases.

Make an Impact with Yotpo

Increase Sales With Targeted Promotions

Nowadays, customers expect their favorite brands to know what they’re looking for and to deliver it. By sending customers a text message with products that are tailored to their interests and buying behavior, brands can dramatically increase engagement rates and maximize the chance that customers will complete another purchase.

conversion rates
+ 0 %
conversion rates higher conversion rates with SMS.
Moon art
Spaceship art

Make an Impact with Yotpo

How to get started?

Getting started with Yotpo is easy. Follow the steps below to get started or request a demo for more information.