
Subscriptions Data & Segmentation

Boost loyalty participation
Deepen personalization
Reduce churn
Product logo / Logo / SMS SMS
Product logo / Logo / Loyalty Loyalty & Referrals
Product logo / Logo / Subscriptions Subscriptions
Product logo / Logo / Email Email


Olivia Staub, Product Marketing Manager, is here to share a bit more about Subscriptions Data & Segmentation so you can understand and act on how your customers engage with subscriptions.


Why it's different

Main Takeaways
Tap into customer data to see how your current subscribers behave and create impactful segments.
Use predictive segments to see when your customers will likely subscribe or churn.
Create email and SMS campaigns to target your existing subscribers and customers likely to become subscribers.

Successful subscription programs hinge on making your subscribers feel like the VIPs they are. With our new Subscriptions Data & Segmentation feature, create targeted SMS and Email campaigns to both increase subscribers and make sure your current subscribers get more from your brand.

This subscription data is combined with purchase behaviors, customer attributes, review sentiment, loyalty data, and communication engagement data, so can create segments that create an impact.

Gain deeper insights into how your customers engage with subscriptions, predict their future behavior, and send them the right message at the right time.

Subscriptions data & segmentation

See it in action

Main Takeaways
Send a personalized email to customers who purchased a product multiple times, but aren’t subscribers.
Create exclusivity for actively subscribed customers.
Winback cancelled subscription customers.

With our Subscriptions Data & Segmentation feature, you can feel confident in how you engage with your customers: current subscribers, customers likely to subscribe, and those at risk of churning.

What do these strategic communications look like in action? Here are a few examples:

For high-intent customers who have purchased a product multiple times, send them a personalized SMS message encouraging them to subscribe and save on their must-haves. To sweeten the deal, you can also add a one-time discount code to encourage these customers to become your V-VIPs.

And what about your current subscribers? Show appreciation to your active subscription customers by granting them exclusive privileges like early access to product releases or restocks.

With our in-depth analytics, you can even winback cancelled subscribers. Send an email to these customers with an extra bonus — a discount, a brand freebie — and encourage their resubscription.

DIME Beauty is just one of our brands using Yotpo’s powerful platform data to create tailored subscriptions campaigns. By targeting past buyers of a specific product, who are not subscribers, and incentivizing with an extra discount, they saw more than twice their average campaign ROI.

Similarly, Averr Aglow is leveraging Yotpo's interconnected data. After running a similar campaign to target repeat buyers, their campaign drove over 60x ROI.

Subscriptions emails