Last updated on February 3, 2020

Image Credit: Yotpo Studio

Shoppers that ask questions are 30% more likely to buy

Interested shoppers get their questions answered by the most trustworthy source — your past buyers.

The benefit here is threefold: the past buyer is reminded of your store, you get the chance to re-engage them, and their connection with your brand is strengthened.

Visitors to your site have their questions answered by verified buyers who were happy with their purchases. And you get valuable insight from the questions people ask as to what your customers’ trouble points and concerns are.

  • Present proof and create trust for both your products and your business alike, increasing the likelihood of new purchases.
  • Increase conversions, as customers who ask questions onsite are 30% more likely to buy.
  • Connect your customers through customer-to-customer engagement, rather than brand outreach.
  • Generate more UGC onsite, with shopper-provided questions and customer-provided answers.
  • Improve the shopping experience on your site and with your products by leveraging customer feedback.
Real Example
Pura Vida helps potential customers connect with past buyers using its active Q&A feature. This builds a stronger brand community and gives shoppers the information they need to complete a purchase.