Last updated on February 6, 2024

Image Credit: Yotpo Studio

83% more consumer interest

Instagram campaigns that ask for user submissions build community buzz, attract engaged, relevant traffic to your site, and provide you with a wealth of fresh customer content to use in your marketing materials.

Successful Instagram campaigns nail it because they know their audience super well. It’s important to know what type of content your customers want to create and offer prizes they are likely to be excited by. For example, if your audience is made up of die-hard photographers, a caption contest is probably not the best bet when you could ask for customer photos instead.

The best campaigns generate organic buzz among their community because their followers actually want to participate in and share it without any prodding from the brand.

These fan submissions and shares serve as social referrals, helping you build a word-of-mouth marketing campaign that brings their followers to your site.

All of that attention can increase traffic: 83% of consumers have said that seeing a friend post about a brand on Instagram would influence their decision to check that brand out.

Just think about how many users would see the thousands of contest submission posts from friends on their feed.

So, how can you launch your own Instagram competition?

  • Give an appropriate prize. Whether that means being featured on your company website, producing a limited edition product, or giving to a particular cause, pick a prize that your audience actually wants to put effort into winning.
  • Don’t limit yourself to one platform. Ask for submissions across several social media platforms!
  • Choose a catchy hashtag to make sure your campaign is memorable.
  • Tag great submissions and winners to make all your fans who participated feel special and recognized!


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Real Example
Luxury fashion brand Marc Jacobs held the original #CastMeMarc modeling campaign in 2014, for the Marc by Marc Jacobs line and received 70,000 submissions. They held the same contest a year later, and in 2016, held a campaign searching for beauty vloggers.