Last updated on February 1, 2024

Lindsay Sakraida
Director of Content Marketing @ Yotpo
November 14th, 2023 | 7 minutes read

Learn how your brand can leverage these trends to drive growth and customer loyalty.

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The supplement industry is no stranger to evolution. With each passing year, new trends emerge, driven by changing consumer preferences, innovative technologies and evolving market dynamics. As we stand on the brink of 2024, it’s essential for direct-to-consumer (DTC) eCommerce brands, from ambitious startups to established enterprises, to stay ahead of the curve.

Let’s delve into the top trends set to shape the supplement industry in 2024, and how your brand can harness these developments to drive growth and customer loyalty.

1. Supplements get personal

Personalization is a trend that’s been gaining momentum as consumers increasingly seek customized solutions to support their health and wellness journeys.

Brands have the opportunity to capitalize on this trend by offering bespoke supplements that are tailored to individual needs. By considering factors such as age, lifestyle, health status, and genetic makeup, brands can curate personalized combinations of existing products to meet specific requirements, or formulate new ones. This approach not only caters to the growing demand for personalization but also helps build brand loyalty through a unique and value-added service.

For example, brands can provide custom product bundles or product cadences that align with individual usage. This enables them to deliver a personalized experience to consumers, ensuring they receive the right products at the right time, while still leveraging their existing product range. By understanding and addressing individual needs, brands can enhance brand affinity and satisfy the increasing demand for personalized offerings.

2. Elderly audiences want endurance exercise support

The elderly population isn’t being left behind in the supplement revolution. Research shows that caffeine and high-protein supplements with beta-alanine may have positive effects on endurance exercise in older individuals. Furthermore, more older athletes are using supplements like electrolytes, probiotics, melatonin, and vitamin D.

While these supplements can benefit people of all ages, there’s an opportunity to tailor your message to this audience. Segment for older customers, and tailor your marketing to speak to their specific needs and concerns. Remember to communicate clearly how your products can enhance their quality of life. And don’t forget to offer custom bundles too that cater to the range of needs this audience has!

3. Increased focus on mental health

In an age fraught with stressors, mental well-being is a treasure sought by all. The global mental health market is projected to reach $242 billion by 2027.

Supplements targeting stress relief, cognitive function, or mood enhancement are avenues you should explore. Position your products as allies in the pursuit of self-care and mental well-being. With the right messaging and emphasis on the benefits your products provide, you can make a meaningful impact in the lives of those seeking better mental health support.

4. Fasting goes mainstream

Intermittent fasting, which involves a daily fast of 16 hours, followed by an 8-hour window for eating, has grown in popularity recently. In fact, the International Food Information Council (IFIC) reports that intermittent fasting has even surpassed the ketogenic diet in terms of popularity. With a staggering 195% increase in search interest over five years, this hunger for fasting is an opportunity not to be overlooked.

As a supplement brand, you have a unique opportunity to capitalize on this trend. By developing products that support intermittent fasting, you can cater to this growing market segment. For instance, supplements that can be consumed during the fasting period without breaking the fast could be greatly beneficial.

Moreover, supplements that enhance the effects of intermittent fasting, such as those that boost metabolism or promote fat burn, could also be popular choices. It’s also essential to provide educational resources about intermittent fasting and how your products can support this lifestyle. By doing so, you can position your brand as a trusted authority in this space and attract customers who follow this diet.

5. Set supplements to automate

Subscriptions are becoming a key revenue driver in the supplement industry, as the naturally recurring nature lends itself well to automation. And while buyers might already be buying supplements with a similar regularity, the consistency of a subscription typically yields a higher LTV for even your best customers.

Take the natural health supplements brand UMZU, for example. The brand believed they could make subscriptions their primary revenue driver, and after relaunching with Yotpo Subscriptions, they achieved an outstanding 137x ROI. To successfully implement a subscription model like UMZU, brands should focus on providing a seamless user experience. Features like the ability to skip, modify, or delay subscriptions can help prevent unnecessary churn and enhance customer satisfaction.

6. Getting clean

Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious about what they put into their bodies. This has led to a growing demand for clean label supplements — products free from artificial additives and with transparent ingredient lists. A report by Market Research Future predicts that the clean label ingredients market will register a CAGR of 7.2% from 2020 to 2024.

Brands can capitalize on this trend by ensuring their products meet these clean-label criteria, and by clearly communicating this to consumers through their marketing efforts. This includes prominently displaying relevant certifications or labels on product packaging, providing transparent ingredient lists, creating educational content, partnering with influencers, and engaging with consumers. These strategies help consumers easily identify and choose products that align with their preferences and build trust in brands that prioritize clean-label criteria.

7. Innovative ingredients are eye-catching

In the competitive world of dietary supplements, innovative ingredients are making a significant impact. This is especially true in the sports nutrition market, where innovation is expected and sets brands apart. One such breakthrough comes from Myos Corp, which is unlocking the potential of egg yolks to build stronger muscles. Their Yolked brand targets athletes aiming to build muscle mass, and this unique formulation makes them stand out compared to other offerings.

Supplement brands can capitalize on this trend by emphasizing their unique ingredients in marketing efforts and educating consumers about their benefits. Collaborations with health professionals can boost credibility, while maintaining high-quality standards for ingredient sourcing builds trust.

8. Catering to vegans

The rise of veganism echoes in the supplement industry. As the number of individuals embracing vegan diets increases, the demand for vegan-friendly supplements soars. The global vegan supplements market is expected to reach $20.8 billion by 2025.

If your products can be made vegan, consider doing so and make it a selling point. This is a reflection of your commitment to inclusivity and catering to diverse dietary needs, garnering trust and loyalty.

9. Riding the weight-loss wave

Drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy have sparked renewed interest in the weight loss category among consumers, but with that comes a wariness as well about the speed of their popularity. While the market continues to learn more about these game-changing drugs, supplements brands that offer products for weight loss have an opportunity to market themselves in the context of this trend. Consider leaning heavily on longevity, expertise, and social proof to establish your solutions as time-tested.

10. Don’t forget about pets

As the wellness trend permeates every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that it’s extending to our furry friends. The U.S. retail sales for pet supplements are expected to reach a whopping $1.4 billion by 2027. Brands are blurring boundaries with functional food and drink, offering DIY pet supplement mixes, and delivering ‘complete nutrition’ through personalized diet plans.

As a DTC supplement brand, consider developing a line of pet products to tap into this thriving market. Ensure your offerings are backed by scientific research and offer tangible health benefits.

Staying agile for 2024 trends

The supplement industry is poised for exciting changes in 2024. By embracing personalization, adopting subscription models, and prioritizing clean label products, DTC eCommerce brands can position themselves at the forefront of these shifts, enhancing their customer experience and driving revenue growth.

Remember, the early bird catches the worm. Brands that act swiftly to leverage these trends will gain a competitive edge, so don’t delay in implementing these strategies into your business model. Keep an eye on these trends, stay agile, and be ready to seize the opportunities that 2024 brings.