Send messages consumers actually want to receive.

SMS experiences shouldn’t feel spammy. With next-level personalization and slick UX, your shoppers are guaranteed to engage.

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MoM increase in subscriber growth with online and offline collection tools
increase in ROI with Yotpo’s smart targeted campaigns vs. general blasts
ROI on seamless Click-to-Redeem & Click-to-buy Campaigns
Subscriber collection

Capture shoppers wherever they are

Make it easy for shoppers to opt-in for your texts with more than 9 subscription methods powered at the right time, both online & offline.

Personalized Messages

Personalization that doesn’t suck

Go beyond shoppers’ first names. Leverage data points that move the needle, pulled from Shopify’s native integration, Yotpo’s product suite, and previous engagement.

Intent-based targeting

Boost sales with texts that resonate

Point shoppers at products and collections they’ve shown interest in, and remind them of cart-pending items at times they’re most likely to convert.

AI Engagement Assistance

Lean into AI for better engagement

Boost SMS performance with AI-based recommendations on the best sending hour, copy, segment, and products worth highlighting.

Frictionless Experience

No more dead ends

Save your shoppers from frustrating, friction-heavy experiences. Make it easy for them to buy and redeem points in a single click and boost ROI.

1:1 conversations

Keep it human

Spark two-way SMS conversations easily with help desk integrations, and capture zero-party data about your shoppers to boost engagement.

"Yotpo's behavior tracking supercharged our personalization and boosted our SMS ROI by 1140%."

Texts that just click.

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