Yotpo & Drip

The integration between Yotpo & Drip provides brands with the ability to target customers based on review score, number of reviews, and recent reviews. Brands can automate email marketing workflows based on review scores, the possibilities are endless.

Integration benefits

This integration enables brands to follow up on rave reviews with a personalized thank you note, follow up on poor reviews with a coupon or a personal apology, and even retarget people who haven’t left reviews on Facebook and Instagram.

Integrates with
Reviews & UGC icon
Reviews & UGC
Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
Supported platforms
Shopify, Shopify Plus, Adobe Commerce (Magento), Woocommerce
Contact information
Supported plans
free, growth, prime, premium, enterprise
Developed by Drip

Use Cases

Display product star ratings

Dynamically pull and display star ratings on products to increase click-through rate.

Showcase top reviews on products

Dynamically pull top sentences from reviews, powered by Yotpo's AI engine, and display them on the relevant products dynamically and increase click-through rates.

Segment customers based on past reviews

Create segments of customers who leave positive and negative reviews or by review score. See who is leaving reviews, so you can engage with customers in a targeted, more personalized way.

Display product star ratings

Dynamically pull and display star ratings on products to increase click-through rate.

Showcase top reviews on products

Dynamically pull top sentences from reviews, powered by Yotpo's AI engine, and display them on the relevant products dynamically and increase click-through rates.

Segment customers based on past reviews

Create segments of customers who leave positive and negative reviews or by review score. See who is leaving reviews, so you can engage with customers in a targeted, more personalized way.


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