Use Visual UGC in BFCM Marketing | Use Cases | Yotpo

Use Visual UGC in BFCM Marketing

Leverage UGC from happy customers to acquire new ones during the holiday shopping season.

Visual gallery mockup
Yotpo Products
Product logo / Logo / Reviews
Implementation effort
Low High
  • Drive sales
  • Build brand credibility
  • Acquire new customers
Which Brand Should Use it?

Brands looking to acquire new customers during Black Friday and Cyber Monday by using social proof to increase brand trust.

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Drive BFCM Sales With Visual UGC

Not knowing what a product looks like in real life can be a huge barrier to a customer completing a purchase. By showcasing customer photos and videos, brands can leverage social proof to prove their product’s value to potential customers.

Visual UGC of your on-sale products during Black Friday can be displayed in photo galleries across your site, on social media, or sent as email and SMS messages.

Moon art
Spaceship art

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How to get started?

Getting started with Yotpo is easy. Follow the steps below to get started or request a demo for more information.