Use Segmentation to Personalize BFCM Texts | Use Cases | Yotpo

Use Segmentation to Personalize BFCM-Related SMS Messages

Deliver the right messages at the right time during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

SMS conversation flow mockup
Yotpo Products
Product logo / Logo / SMS
Implementation effort
Low High
  • Drive sales
  • Increase customer engagement
  • Strengthen customer relationship
Which Brand Should Use it?

Brands looking to boost BFCM sales by creating unique, personalized experiences for customers.

Make an Impact with Yotpo

Increase Sales With Targeted SMS Messages

Customers want personalized shopping experiences. By segmenting SMS subscriber lists, brands can create personalized campaigns that boost sales.

Customer segments can include repeat customers, last year’s BFCM customers, loyalty members, shoppers that haven’t purchased, customers who are interested in certain product categories, and more.

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