Use BFCM Emails to Grow SMS Subscribers | Use Cases | Yotpo

Leverage BFCM Email Campaigns to Generate SMS Subscribers

Convert email subscribers into SMS subscribers for timely promotion of BFCM sales.

Email SMS subscriber collection popup mockup
Yotpo Products
Product logo / Logo / SMS
Implementation effort
Low High
  • Increase customer engagement
  • Retain customers
  • Collect subscribers
Which Brand Should Use it?

Brands that have already built a healthy email list and are looking to generate SMS subscribers before the holiday season is in full swing.

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Generate Engaged SMS Subscribers

Converting email subscribers to SMS subscribers is an effective way to expand your reach while deepening relationships with an already engaged audience. Use timely email campaigns about Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales and promotions to scale your SMS subscribers quickly without increasing marketing costs.

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How to get started?

Getting started with Yotpo is easy. Follow the steps below to get started or request a demo for more information.